November 2020

Buy Nothing Day
It’s becoming harder and harder to avoid ads about Black Friday, but at FTA we’re on a mission to accelerate conscious consumerism, so we remain focused on supporting and promoting Buy Nothing Day!
What’s in a label?
This Life Cycle of a T-Shirt video may be from 2017, but the story it tells is still incredibly important in helping us understand where our clothes come from and what happens to them when we’re done with them. Fast fashion brands lure us in with low prices and new styles, enticing us to buy far more than we need, leading to increasing amounts of textile waste in the landfill each year.
Just Recovery for All
Hundreds of organizations have endorsed the Principles of a Just Recovery, signalling their agreement that we cannot just go back to “business as usual” following the Covid-19 pandemic. The Just Recovery initiative is dedicated to building a movement that puts people first, recognizing that “business as usual” is built on colonialism, human rights abuses, social inequity, ecological degradation, and climate change.

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