Adam Taubenfligel

Creative Director & Head of Sustainability 

- Triarchy

Adam Taubenfligel began his career in denim out of a love of fashion. Early days spent immersed in Versace lookbooks left their mark. Learning the art of denim on the factory floor in Italy brought his love of fashion to life in the form of jeans. Subsequent years spent making jeans in the traditional way quickly educated him on how disastrously wasteful the fashion and specifically, denim industries are. Alongside his brother, sister, and their brand, Triarchy, they set out to change the denim industry, one pair of jeans at a time.

Since then they have pioneered new technologies that mimic weather to distress jeans into the rich blue colours we all know and love so much. They also get to play with laser beams to rip up jeans which is a pretty cool. All-in-all they’re sick and tired of all the waste and all the reasons surrounding why the waste exists, so they’re doing what they can to curb it, and then expose all of those practices via 3rd party auditors Greenstory and Retraced, so that everyone knows exactly what they are buying into with Triarchy.

They also launched an Atelier Denim line in 2018 which uses repurposed denim for the whole collection; to date they’ve repurposed over 1000 pairs of jeans and saved millions of gallons of water in Triarchy’s production. When not making jeans better, Adam focuses his time on educating what sustainability really means in order to move past greenwashing and into a world where everyone is accountable for the work they do, and in turn, producing work that betters themselves, one another, and the planet.

Adam’s first book, Setting An Intention: 11 Brief Lessons on Achieving Your Greater Good is available on Amazon.

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