Chris Homer

Chief Technology Officer 

- thredUP

Chris Homer co-founded thredUP in 2009 and serves today as thredUP’s Chief Technology Officer. Over the last 10 years, he and his co-founders built the team behind the world’s largest online consignment store.  With 2M items in inventory and 1M items in and out every month across 4 distribution centers, the thredUP marketplace is a highly dynamic and rich data playground. Chris is a maker & builder at heart and has a passion for marketplace dynamics. He is responsible for engineering and data science at thredUP, which includes the merchandising science group in charge of supply, pricing, payouts and product visibility.  His team at thredUP is diverse & talented, spans the globe and is energized by their mission to inspire a new generation to think secondhand first. In his previous life, Chris worked at Microsoft where he helped grow the reach of Microsoft’s mid-market, live-event sales group, and served as a key member of multiple major product launches. Chris holds a BS from Princeton University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. 

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