Mikhail Damiani

Co-founder & CEO 

- Blue Bite

Mikhail Damiani is the co-founder and CEO of Blue Bite, a B2B software platform that connects brands and consumers through products. His industry acumen was initially honed at GCA Savvian in investment banking, where he focused on mergers and acquisitions within the tech sector. Realizing that mobile devices would play a significant role in the information age, he launched Blue Bite in 2007 and has evolved into a leader in connecting people with information through IoT.  

Recognized by the United Nations in 2014 with a Leadership Award in the area of “Driving social change through media,” Mikhail currently leverages his extensive knowledge of mobile and software technology to lead all aspects of Blue Bite’s business and operations. He spearheads the company’s strategy to advance its market leadership. Mikhail received his degree in Finance and Management from The Stern School of Business at New York University.

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