Fashion Takes Action and Natural Products Canada combined forces to host a first of its kind online session to introduce Canadian apparel industry sustainability leaders to start-ups creating environmentally-friendly products and technologies
Members of Canada’s apparel industry were introduced to groundbreaking innovation last week as Fashion Takes Action, which advances sustainability in Canada’s fashion industry, presented a unique educational session featuring sustainable solutions created by clients of Natural Products Canada.
“Each of these presentations was so inspiring,” said Kelly Drennan, Founding Executive Director of Fashion Takes Action, echoing the comments of industry attendees who were pleasantly surprised to see the solutions developed in their own back yard.
The four Canadian presenters – Flaura, Gestion Dryad, Lite-1, and Ozone Bio – are all members of Natural Products Canada, which provides advice, introductions and capital to advance Canadian companies creating bio-based products that are better for people, animals and the planet.
Fannie Laroche and Gregory Hersant of Flaura explained their unique alternative to leather made from apples. The 100% bio-based product is made of waste from Quebec’s apple industry, creating a circular economy play for the region. Flaura, led by the duo of stylist and chemical engineer, is currently testing the biomaterial and coming close to the goal of parity with animal-based leather in terms of durability and quality.

Francois Simard from Gestion Dryad gave a great overview of the need for plant-based leathers. With a decades-long history in apparel and material sciences, Simard explained that tanning animal leather is one of the most toxic industries in the world. His novel leather (under the VegeTech brand) is derived from the natural rubber plant, soya and castor oil, and achieves a durability and breathability that surpasses animal-based leathers. Scaling of his production is ongoing.

Flaura and Gestion Dryad are two of the most recent recipients of Natural Products Canada’s Commercialization Programs, which provide up to $350,000 to develop and scale innovative solutions that can be applied to a range of industries.
Roya Aghighi from Lite-1 outlined her company’s solution to the toxic dye and colorant industry. Lite-1 uses a fermentation process (similar to brewing beer) to grow natural organisms that produce sustainable natural dyes. The end result is a drop-in solution that can be used in existing production processes with the same functionality as traditional dyes. Roya offered attendees a range of partnering opportunities, including creating capsule collections, investing, or serving as an industry advisor.

Last but certainly not least, Khorcheska Batyrova of Ozone Bio provided an impressive presentation on their sustainable alternative to adipic acid found in nylon 6-6. Nylon 6-6 is a key component in products ranging from yoga pants to car parts, and is responsible for an alarming amount of hazardous emissions. Ozone Bio has developed a plant-based version of adipic acid from forest waste and nut shells, which can reduce emissions by 99%. They are currently in testing with a number of industry leaders.

To view the recording, click here.
Those interested in learning more about the companies can contact:
Nikki Byrne, Director Programs and Partnerships –
Sue Coueslan, VP Strategy and Partnerships –