Fashion trends emerged from the Industrial Revolution through the development of factories that could rapidly create clothing. This mass production al…
Gen Zs have increasingly risen to question and seek alternatives from fashion retailers who lack sustainable goals. Young adults between 16-29 have in…
Congratulations! You have made the first step by being here and questioning the way you consume fashion. This is already one big step in your journey,…
Anthropologist Sandra Niessen believes that the fashion industry has created a sacrifice zone that runs so deep it forms complicated predicaments in o…
The 21st century is best described as an era of uncertainty. We know that the future we want is at risk, and with the world's current situation, it is…
It can be extremely difficult and overwhelming to begin your sustainable fashion journey. There are endless resources available, but it’s hard to know…
Significant strides have been made towards improving the fashion industry’s sustainability since the introduction of the concept of ‘sustainability’ t…