Certain apparel companies and other businesses across Canada are now required to report on the measures they are taking to guard against modern slaver…
April 24, 2023 marks the 10 year anniversary of the most horrific tragedy to affect the fashion industry. The Rana Plaza factory disaster in Dhaka Ban…
Why is society so critical, mainly of celebrities, when they are ‘caught’ wearing the same outfit twice *GASP*? Clothes are meant to be worn, after al…
It is no surprise that the fashion industry is still one of the most polluting industries globally, releasing 2.1 billion tons of GHG emissions per ye…
One of the most significant threats to the environment is microfibres, which are tiny plastic fibres that shed from clothing made out of synthetic mat…
Recycled polyester, also known as rPET, is a synthetic material that has gained popularity in recent years due to its perceived sustainability benefit…
Paris Fashion Week is nearly over, marking the end of another eagerly awaited set of events for fashion enthusiasts around the world. While these show…