World leaders came together over the last few weeks to discuss solutions for the climate crisis and set goals to help stop rising emissions levels and…
What a year it’s been! Since going virtual in 2020, our WEAR (World Ethical Apparel Roundtable) webinar series has been a tremendous success in reachi…
Have you seen the film Our Planet, Too Big To Fail? It’s a 43-minute documentary that clearly presents the role that all business, particularly the fi…
Our Youth Ambassador Cristina Ciccolini interviews sustainable influencer Megan McSherry about overcoming the climate crisis through one conscious fas…
The fast fashion industry plays a huge role in our lives. While apparel is a basic need for humans, it often comes at a high cost. Environmental damag…
Fashion trends emerged from the Industrial Revolution through the development of factories that could rapidly create clothing. This mass production al…
Gen Zs have increasingly risen to question and seek alternatives from fashion retailers who lack sustainable goals. Young adults between 16-29 have in…
Congratulations! You have made the first step by being here and questioning the way you consume fashion. This is already one big step in your journey,…